Our credo is: As sustainable and functional as possible. 🌱🧪

At first glance, natural waxes are more sustainable, but not nearly as widely clinically tested as synthetic ones, such as mineral oil derivatives. However, these clinical studies on humans are necessary to rule out the risk of allergic reactions or intolerances on already irritated, sensitive areas of skin (ahem, inflamed buttocks - veeeeery sensitive). Mineral oil derivatives, such as Vaseline, have been extremely tried and tested in the pharmaceutical industry and are known to trigger virtually no allergic reactions. That's why we use them in our Hämorrhozyn alongside naturally tested oils and waxes such as wool wax (mulesing-free), beeswax, almond oil, St. John's wort oil, vegetable glycerin and shea butter.

Every now and then our basic pillars of naturalness / functionality / product safety clash. In such cases, we try to choose the most sensible compromise for you and us (and given the size of our company).