Eine blühende Magerwiese unter blauem Himmel

The diversity of nature: understanding lean and rich meadows

Have you ever wondered why some meadows are wild and full of flowers, while others are lush and green and densely overgrown? The difference lies in the type of meadow - lean versus rich meadows. These two types of meadow not only play a crucial role in our environment, but are also the basis for something very special: hay flowers!



What are nutrient-poor meadows?

Meadows are grasslands that thrive on nutrient-poor soils. They receive little to no fertilizer and are often found at higher altitudes or on poorly fertile soils. These conditions mean that meadows are home to a unique flora and fauna. Typical plant species include arnica, bearded bellflower, and various orchid species. Special grasses such as bluegrass and rusty sedge may also occur at increasing altitude.



Characteristics and importance of fat meadows

In contrast, fat meadows are nutrient-rich areas that maintain their lush vegetation through regular fertilization with liquid manure or dung. They are often more productive and are primarily used for agricultural purposes , particularly for the production of hay or as pasture for livestock. They are mainly covered with yellow and white flowers. Typical plants here are white clover, alfalfa, hogweed, dandelions and buttercups.



Ecological assessment and challenges

According to Georg Artmann, an expert in ecological assessment, intensive fertilization does increase yields in the short term, but biodiversity suffers considerably under such conditions. Rough pastures, on the other hand, not only provide a habitat for numerous insects thanks to their diversity of plant species, but also promote soil health and help maintain ecological balance.



Care of lean meadows

In order to preserve and promote lean meadows, it is important to avoid excessive fertilization and to support the natural vegetation. Regular but gentle mowing without the addition of fertilizer helps to preserve the characteristic flora and keep invasive species away. In addition, these areas should be protected as ecologically valuable biotopes.

Another advantage comes from using hay flowers as an extract or in other products: farmers have the opportunity to generate income from natural meadows. This increases their motivation to preserve and care for these valuable meadows.



From the lean meadow to hay flower extract

The careful care and maintenance of lean meadows not only has a positive impact on the environment, but also has valuable potential for health. Numerous herbs and flowers thrive on these species-rich meadows, which form the basis for our high-quality hay flower extract. Gentle cultivation methods and the avoidance of artificial fertilizers ensure that the healing properties of the plants are preserved. This nature-based approach enables us to obtain an extract that is rich in essential oils and bioactive substances. These ingredients are known to be effective in relieving muscle and joint pain. This closes the circle of ecological responsibility and natural healing power, with every step towards sustainability simultaneously promoting our health.


Would you like to find out more about our HELFE hayflower products? Then simply follow this link. And if your curiosity about hayflowers or other herbs and plants has been aroused, you can find further exciting information at helpful herbs & plants.



Meadow Championship, Green Vorarlberg & Vorarlberg Nature Conservation Council. (2012). Vorarlberg Meadow Championship.
Artmann, G. (1993). Ecological assessment of semi-natural meadows, pastures and wasteland areas based on the locust fauna.